Railroaded [Honkai: Star Rail] (2024)

Himeko cradles March in her arms, shielding the younger girl behind a large metal crate as an earth-shattering blast erupts nearby.

The stranger they found earlier stands at the epicenter, locked in a duel with the monstrous Doomsday Beast. Waves of blistering heat and deafening noise assail Himeko's senses, the intensity threatening to overwhelm her.

"If we were any closer..." Himeko thinks, grimacing at the thought of the agonizing burns they'd suffer.

Suddenly, the chaos ceases. The stranger's beam overpowers the Beast, seemingly vanquishing it. But before Himeko can process this turn of events, another round of blasts rocks the area. The golden energy glow bursting from the man's chest spirals out of control, raw power lashing out indiscriminately.

March clings to Himeko, tears streaking her face. "What's happening to him?" she cries, voice barely audible over the maelstrom.

Himeko strains to see past their cover, catching glimpses of the man writhing in agony as the light consumes him. Waves of force buffet everything in their path, threatening to sweep them away.

"I don't know!" Himeko shouts back, desperation clawing at her throat. "But we have to do something!"

Just then, a familiar figure materializes amidst the chaos: A tall man in black armor, donning a flapping gray and white coat. He stands in the air, unperturbed, through the battering waves of raw, uncontrolled power.

Himeko can finally put her fears to rest — Welt's here!

His expression is grim and determined as he raises his cane and swings it at the stranger's head with precise force. The man crumples to the ground, the wild energy dissipating as he loses consciousness. Welt slowly descends to the floor next to him, not taking his eyes off the body.

"Mr. Yang!" March exclaims in relief.

Himeko takes the opportunity to check on her, searching for burns or injuries. "You all right, March?"

She beams up at her, nodding enthusiastically. "Yep! All good here!"

Himeko smiles, relieved, before turning her attention to the aftermath of the clash. Welt now stands near the beast's remains, frowning as he examines its disintegrating corpse. The upper half is completely obliterated, the remaining lower portion slowly crumbling into wisps of black dust that vanish into the air.

He then glances up at the wall behind the beast, noting the circular scorch marks left by the explosion. "The Herta Space Station's infrastructure is truly remarkable," he muses, impressed by the minimal damage despite the blast's intensity.

His gaze shifts to the man's unconscious form on the floor. "Fascinating," Welt murmurs, before joining Himeko, March, and Dan Heng, who emerges from cover to check on the group.

"Is everyone alright?" Welt asks, apologetic. "I'm sorry for my delay. There were more troops than we anticipated, and I had to ensure the remaining research personnel were secure." He adds, "I've already spoken with Madame Herta. She's been informed of the attack and will arrive within the hour."

Himeko nods. "Thank you, Welt. Your arrival was just timely. We're all fine, but I'm worried about him." She gestures towards the man lying cold on the floor, a few feet away from them. "I've never seen such a concentrated blast of energy coming from a person before. Do you two know anything about him?" She turns to March and Dan. "He was with the researchers you rescued, right?"

Himeko listens intently as Dan explains their encounter. "We found him unconscious while searching for survivors and the station's head of security, Arlan," he begins, his brow furrowed in thought. "Initially, we assumed he was an off-duty researcher or a visiting scientist, given his lack of uniform."

March chimes in, her voice filled with concern. "When he woke up, he seemed really disoriented and confused. He asked if he was in a hospital and looked scared when we told him he was on the Herta Space Station. He thought we were joking with him!"

Dan nods, his expression serious. "He showed signs of shock and possibly even transient global amnesia. We tried to calm him down, but he panicked and ran away. We had to pursue him since we were in the middle of the Legion's attack."

He pauses, glancing at the unconscious man. "We were intercepted by Reavers a few times, and he displayed surprising combat skills. I still think he could be a researcher, but after what I've seen, I'm not so sure that's all he is anymore."

Himeko absorbs this information, her mind racing with questions. She studies the man's face, trying to piece together the puzzle of his identity. The golden energy that burst from his chest, the way he fought... there's more to him than meets the eye.

Welt nods at Dan's assessment, his expression thoughtful. "Agreed. We'll have to wait for Madame Herta's arrival and see what she makes of this situation. In the meantime, let's ensure he receives proper medical attention and keep him under close observation. Although…"

Himeko watches as Welt crouches down beside the unconscious man, his keen eyes scanning the stranger's body for injuries. The navigator's brow furrows with concern as she takes in the extent of the damage. Looking closely, the man's skin is marred with burns, angry red welts that speak of the backlash from the incredible power he generated during his clash with the Doomsday Beast. His suit, once pristine, is now a charred mess, the fabric blackened and frayed.

Welt carefully picks up one of the man's hands and studies the angry red skin. Only then is she able to notice the tattered remains of black gloves clinging to his wrists, the dark leather a sharp contrast to the raw flesh. She couldn't help but wonder if the gloves had shielded his hands at all from the powerful energy that had surged through him. More likely, the burns there came from his guns overheating.

Himeko's heart clenches as she recalls the moments leading up to the blast. Amidst the chaos and destruction, he had leaped in front of her and March, drawing the monster's attention with a barrage of gunfire. His actions had bought Himeko precious seconds to grab March and dive behind the metal crate, shielding the younger girl from harm. She silently vows to ensure his well-being. That was the bare minimum they could do for him, unknown identity notwithstanding.

As Welt continues his assessment, Himeko's eyes widen in surprise. The burns on the man's skin seem to be healing at an astonishing rate, the angry red fading to a healthier pink before her very eyes. She's never seen anything like it before, at least not without the help of an Abundance Emanator, and judging by the look on Welt's face, neither has he.

"How curious," Welt murmurs, his voice tinged with both wonder and concern. He stands up, turning to face Himeko and the others. "While it seems that medical attention may not be strictly necessary, given his unique healing abilities, I believe it would be prudent to err on the side of caution. We don't know the full extent of his injuries or the toll that this power has taken on his body."

Himeko watches as March bounces on her heels, her eyes wide with determination. "Don't worry, Miss Himeko, Mr. Yang! We'll take good care of him," she declares, gesturing towards the unconscious man. "After all, Dan and I made a promise to help him contact his family and friends!"

She rubs the back of her neck, a sheepish grin on her face. "I might have also told him that you two could answer any questions he had. He looked so confused and out of depth, you know?"

Himeko and Welt exchange a knowing smile, shrugging their shoulders as if to say, "What can you do about that?" It's just like March to offer help and reassurance to someone in need, even a complete stranger.

Suddenly, March lets out a high-pitched "Uwah!" as if remembering something important. She whirls around to face Himeko and Welt, her eyes wide with realization. "I almost forgot! We need to make sure he apologizes to Dan Heng, too!"

Himeko raises an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Why's that, March?"

The young girl launches into an animated explanation, her hands gesturing wildly. "Well, when we first found him unconscious, we thought we had to perform CPR. Dan was about to do it, but just as he leaned in, the guy woke up and knocked him back with a mean left hook!" She mimics the motion, throwing a punch into the air.

Dan, who has been quietly listening to the conversation, facepalms at the memory, a mixture of embarrassment and exasperation on his face.

Himeko can't help but chuckle at the mental image, her eyes sparkling with mirth. Even Welt, usually the picture of composure, has to hide a smile of amusem*nt behind his palm.

March looks between them, her head tilted to the side in confusion. "What's so funny?" she asks innocently, not quite understanding the humor in the situation.

I open my eyes slowly, blinking against the bright lights overhead. My head throbs and my body aches as I try to sit up, realizing I'm lying on a bed in what appears to be an actual infirmary room.

Could it be…?

For a fleeting moment, I wonder if everything that happened was just a vivid nightmare. But then, a familiar face comes into view - March 7th. She's practically bouncing with excitement, her aquamarine and lilac eyes wide and a huge grin on her face.

"You're awake!" she exclaims, rushing to my bedside. "We were so worried about you! After everything that happened, with the Doomsday Beast slamming you into the wall, and then you burning your hands while shooting at it, and then that crazy power exploding from your chest... it's a miracle you're still in one piece!"

I stare at her, shocked and overwhelmed by the rapid-fire words spilling from her mouth. It's too much to process all at once, especially with the lingering hope that it might have all been a dream now thoroughly shattered.

March mentions my clothes being burned in the blast, and I glance down at myself, noticing for the first time that I'm wearing a loose, long white t-shirt that feels like cotton, and black sweatpants. Definitely not the form-fitting suit that I was wearing before.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. Breathe, Xander... just breathe. I repeat the mantra in my head, counting to ten as I exhale slowly.

March seems to notice my discomfort and falls silent, watching me closely with a concerned expression.

After a moment, I sigh heavily, my shoulders sagging under the weight of everything that's happened.

"Are you okay?" March asks softly.

I shrug, not really sure how to answer that question. "Are we still on the space station?" I ask instead. "And what exactly happened during that fight? I remember bits and pieces, but it's all kind of a blur."

March hesitates for a moment, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Well, um, let's see... we were fighting the Doomsday Beast. And we were doing pretty good damage to it, but then it just went crazy! Like, totally berserk mode."

She gestures wildly with her hands, her eyes wide. "Its wings started shooting out these crazy beams of energy, just blasting everything in sight! We all had to run for cover."

I nod slowly, the memories starting to come back in flashes. The searing heat of the beast's attacks, the acrid smell of burning metal...

"And then you," March continues, pointing at me, "you jumped out to protect me and Miss Himeko! You were shooting at the beast, trying to draw its attention away from us."

I remember that now, the fierce determination that had gripped me in that moment. For a second, I had imagined Summer in place of Himeko, but in retrospect, that didn't make any sense.

"But then," March says, her voice dropping to a whisper, "something happened. This like, golden light just exploded out of your chest, and it clashed with the beast's energy beam. It was insane!"

I frown, trying to recall that part. I remember a searing pain in my chest, a blinding light... but the details are hazy.

"You actually managed to overpower the beast and defeat it," March says, a note of awe in her voice. "But then the power coming from you seemed to go out of control. It was surging and pulsing, and we didn't know what to do..."

She trails off, biting her lip. "That's when Mr. Yang arrived," she continues after a moment. "He knocked you out, which seemed to stop the power surge. But you were badly hurt, with terrible burns all over your body."

I glance down at my hands, expecting to see charred and blistered skin. But to my surprise, they look perfectly normal, without even a hint of redness.

"Your body has been healing at an incredible rate," March explains, noticing my confusion. "We brought you here to the infirmary to keep an eye on your health and run some tests. We wanted to make sure there wasn't any internal damage, given how badly you were hurt and the unknown nature of your healing abilities."

I nod slowly, trying to process everything she's told me. It's a lot to take in, and I still have so many questions.

Suddenly, March interrupts my musings. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot! We found some items in the pockets of your suit."

She walks over to a nearby table and picks up a folded handkerchief. Handing it to me, she watches expectantly as I unfold it.

My eyes widen in shock as I see what's inside. There, nestled in the soft fabric, are my cross pendant and my father's stainless steel clock. But something's not right. The clock is missing its strap, crystal, and internal mechanism.

"We found these two items on you," March explains, noticing my reaction. "They must have been burnt during the battle with the Doomsday Beast. Some parts of them seem to be made of very heat-resistant material though."

She points to the cross pendant. "This just needed to be cleaned, which I helped with. And the outside of the clock - the case, bezel, and crown - also needed some cleaning and brushing off."

Her expression turns apologetic. "Unfortunately, the leather collar that the cross pendant was attached to was literally burnt so badly it turned to dust at the touch. Same with the leather strap of the clock. We were able to recover the buckle, but the internal mechanism was broken in the fight, along with the crystal."

I stare at the items in my hand, my mind reeling. These are from my world, the real world. Items of deep personal value to me. How could they possibly be here?

A memory flashes through my mind. That morning, the day of the accident, I had been in a rush to leave. I remember pocketing these two items, intending to put them on when I arrived at the office.

But I never made it to the office. Instead, I woke up here, in this nightmare, this bizarre universe straight out of a video game.

I clutch the handkerchief tightly, the metal of the clock and pendant digging into my palm. They feel solid, real. Just like everything else around me.

Deciding it wouldn't do to dwell on the topic any longer, at least for now, I move to examine the clock more closely. March did a really good job cleaning it, the remaining stainless steel pieces shining brightly. Treating it with utmost care, I set it aside on the bed, right next to me. My attention then shifts to the cross pendant, and I find myself frowning as I study it intently.

March, seemingly uncomfortable with the prolonged silence, chimes in. "I really like the design of that pendant," she says, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Where did you buy it? Does it have a special meaning?"

I glance up at her for a moment, considering her question seriously before returning my gaze to the cross. "It means a lot of things," I begin, my voice soft and contemplative. "Sacrifice. Love. Faith. Commitment…"

My words come out even slower. "Victory over death," I whisper, almost to myself.

I study it for a moment longer before glancing up at March. She seems to be waiting for me to explain further, her eyes wide with curiosity. But discussing the symbol of my faith right now feels like an impossible task. It's as if my throat would close up on itself the moment I begin saying something. There are so many pent-up emotions boiling within me when it comes to the topic right now.

I shake my head, deciding to avoid the subject for the time being. "You won't have any luck buying it," I tell her, my voice a bit gruff. "It was a gift."

March pouts, looking a bit let down. It seems she really liked the design.

I pocket the cross pendant along with the clock and move to sit at the edge of the bed. "Didn't you say you were going to introduce me to some people who could help answer my questions?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Are they available?"

March perks up, nodding eagerly. "Of course! I wasn't planning on going back on my word." She pauses, tilting her head to the side. "Are you feeling okay to stand?"

I flex my muscles and roll my shoulders experimentally, not feeling anything out of place. "Yeah, I'm good," I grunt, nodding in affirmation.

"Great!" March says, pointing to a pair of comfy-looking sandals next to the bed. "You can use those as we go meet the rest of the crew."

I slip on the sandals and stand up, following March as she moves towards the door. Just as we're about to leave, she stops abruptly and turns back to face me, looking a bit sheepish.

"I forgot to ask," she says, biting her lip. "What's your name?"

I blink, taken aback for a second. "Just call me Xander," I reply after a moment.

March nods, seeming to mull it over. "Anything else?" she asks, obviously finding it difficult to talk to me.

I shake my head. "Nope. That's it."

"Okaaay then," March says, quickly turning around and walking ahead, out of the infirmary.

I follow close behind, my mind still reeling from everything that's happened. But at least now, I might finally get some answers.

I follow March through a series of stairs and elevators, taking in the bustling activity around us. The aftermath of the attack is evident everywhere I look. Security personnel safeguard key areas, while medical staff tend to the injured. I spot what appear to be construction workers assessing infrastructure damage and filing reports.

And then there are the bodies. Covered remains, with security personnel checking them to identify the deceased while filling out paperwork. It's a grim sight, but I find myself completely unbothered by it. March, on the other hand, seems uncomfortable, her body tensing as we pass such scenes. She quickens her pace, eager to move on.

We finally reach the Master Control Zone, the same place where I first encountered Himeko and Asta. Instead of heading to the center of the room, we ascend a ramp on the left side, leading to an open area with a panoramic view of the chamber below. Himeko and Welt are waiting for us there.

Himeko smiles warmly as we approach. "Ah, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

I take a good look at Himeko's face, studying her features. For a fleeting moment during the battle with the Doomsday Beast, I had seen Summer in her place. But now, looking at her closely, I realize just how different they are. Summer and Himeko couldn't be more distant in appearance. While both undeniably beautiful, Himeko's fiery red hair and striking golden eyes are a far cry from Summer's chestnut brown locks and warm, dark eyes. I chuckle softly, shaking my head. I must be going insane.

Himeko raises an eyebrow, obviously noticing my strange behavior. "Is everything alright?" she asks, concern evident in her voice.

I shrug, not really wanting to delve into my inner thoughts. "I'm okay," I say simply, leaving it at that.

Himeko seems to sense my reluctance to elaborate and decides to fill the silence herself. "I wanted to thank you," she begins, her voice sincere, "for jumping in between the Doomsday Beast and March 7th. Your actions gave us the precious seconds we needed to take cover. We were caught in a really awkward position when the beast started rampaging."

I shift uncomfortably, feeling odd being thanked by a video game character. "It's nothing," I mutter, averting my gaze. "Just forget about it."

Himeko frowns slightly, clearly not satisfied with my response. But before she can press further, Welt clears his throat, drawing our attention.

"I believe we have more pressing matters to discuss," he says, his voice calm and measured. "Namely, the nature of your abilities and the power that resides within you."

I nod, grateful for the change in subject. "Yeah, about that," I begin, turning to face Welt fully. "What exactly happened back there? And what do you mean by 'the power that resides within me'?"

Welt adjusts his glasses, his expression serious. "During your battle, a mysterious golden light erupted from your body," he explains. "It seemed to clash with the beast's energy beam, ultimately overpowering it. But then the power appeared to go out of control, surging and pulsing in an unstable manner."

"I had to intervene," Welt continues, "to prevent the power from causing further damage, both to you and to the space station. I knocked you unconscious, which seemed to stop the surge."

I raise an eyebrow at Welt, expecting him to follow up. He does.

"During our examination of your body while you were unconscious in the infirmary," Welt explains, "We confirmed my suspicions. You are now hosting a Stellaron within your body."

I blink, remembering that in the game, the Stellaron was supposed to be within the body of the original main character, the Trailblazer, whether that was a young man named Caelus or a young woman named Stelle.

I look around the group, noticing that Dan Heng is missing, most likely aboard the Astral Express. I interrupt Welt.

"Welt Yang, was it? Have you or anyone here seen a silver-haired boy or girl with golden eyes in the area?" I ask. "They're supposed to wear long, black jackets with golden accents."

Himeko shakes her head. "No, I haven't seen anyone like that."

March chimes in, "Me neither."

Welt confirms, "I also haven't encountered anyone fitting that description." He pauses, a hint of concern in his voice. "March mentioned that you said something about friends and family when she first found you. Could these two people you're referring to be friends of yours?"

I shake my head, laughing, something which takes them all aback.

"No, no," I say, still chuckling. "Actually, I just remembered something," I clear my throat, then begin to speak, my voice casual. "When I first woke up, before March and Dan found me, I saw two other individuals."

Better to play it safe. How did the game start again…?

Himeko raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh? Who were they?"

I shrug, feigning nonchalance. "One was a young woman. Couldn't be older than 20. She answered to the name Silver Wolf. The other looked a bit older, maybe 27 or 28. Had red-wine-colored hair and went by Kafka."

Welt frowns, his expression thoughtful. "Kafka and Silver Wolf..."

I nod, pretending to struggle with the memory. "In my haze, I heard them mention someone with the attributes I just described - silver hair, golden eyes, long black jacket with gold accents. The details are hazy, as I wasn't fully conscious. That's why I'm not sure if they were talking about a man or a woman, though."

March leans forward, her eyes wide with curiosity. "What happened then?"

"I lost consciousness soon after," I lie smoothly. "The next thing I knew, I was waking up to you and Dan."

Himeko crosses her arms, her brow furrowed. "This is concerning. Kafka and Silver Wolf are known members of the Stellaron Hunters. If they're targeting someone, it can't be good."

Welt nods in agreement. "We'll need to keep an eye out for this individual they mentioned. They could be in danger."

Himeko suddenly clears her throat, drawing my attention.

"There's something else," she says, her voice serious. "Welt and I checked the Herta Space Station's logs. You don't appear on the database."

Welt nods, adjusting his glasses. "Moreover, we've looked for any matching profiles in the IPC records, and there are no signs of you there either. You're a literal ghost."

I mull over their words, carefully considering my response.

"Where I come from," I begin slowly, "there's no presence of the Interastral Peace Corporation."

Himeko raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised. "Really? That's unusual. The IPC has a vast reach across the universe."

I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. "For all their reach, there are still planets that haven't been bought by them or lack any interaction with them." Take Jarilo-VI, for example, although that was more of a technicality than an actual fact.

Seizing the opportunity to gain control the conversation, I ask, "Why is it so surprising that there's no record of me? I'm not from around here, after all."

Himeko frowns, clearly not entirely satisfied with my answer. "It's just odd, that's all. The IPC's databases are usually quite comprehensive."

I sigh, deciding to offer a bit more information. "Look, all I know is that I was on my way to work when I suddenly felt someone hitting me from behind. I blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I woke up here, of all places."

I meet their gazes, my expression serious. "So I hope you don't fault me for not trusting anyone around here. You're all strangers to me."

March steps forward, her eyes wide with concern. "I understand what you feel, Xander. This must be really confusing and scary for you."

I narrow my eyes at March, a hint of irritation in my voice. "Do you really?" I ask lowly.

Before going further down that rabbit hole, I turn to Himeko and Welt. "I'm pretty sure you're worried about my sudden presence here. But I'm afraid I'm not able to get you the answers you seek. Why am I here, how I got here, why do I suddenly have this thing you call a 'Stellaron' within me, that all escapes me. I'd like to know the answers as much as you, and find a way to get back home."

Himeko exchanges a glance with Welt, seeming to come to a silent agreement. She then meets my gaze, her expression sincere. "We'll do our best to help you, Xander. Our intent isn't to press you, but we're looking for answers given the recent attack on the station. We want to get a better picture of why it happened."

Welt nods at that. "It's clear to us that the Legion attacked in order to steal the Stellaron that now resides within your body. This station was carefully designed by Madame Herta to be able to contain it, as it is incredibly dangerous when active."

Himeko leans forward, her brow furrowed. "Your mentioning of the Stellaron Hunter members paints a picture. One possibility is that they led the Legion to attack so they could capture the Stellaron themselves, but we don't find that likely. Stellaron Hunters hunt and capture Stellarons. They wouldn't have left without it."

Welt crosses his arms, his expression thoughtful. "From what you've told us, it looks like they brought you to the station and, for some reason, transplanted the Stellaron into you. It's something unheard of."

Current events certainly match with the game's original script. What the Astral Express crew doesn't know is that the hunt for Stellarons is just a front. Kafka, Silver Wolf… they're just answering to the individual by the name of Elio.

At my frowning, Welt clears his throat. "I apologize, we haven't explained what a Stellaron is to you, have we? Think of them as mysterious objects that appear randomly across the universe. Their properties aren't well-known, as they're extremely dangerous and can't be easily studied. What we do know is that, when they appear within any planet, no matter how prosperous it is, they begin to generate massive changes that result in disaster for the entire ecosystem and civilization, bringing both to ruin."

"Like cancer," I provide.

Both Himeko and Welt blink. "Yes, exactly like that. The IPC has actually nicknamed them The Cancer of All Worlds, given their similar nature."

I smile sardonically, gripping my shirt just above where my heart is. "So I have literal cancer growing within me now, is what you're saying?" I ask, a hint of bitterness in my voice. "Why am I not dead yet?"

"That's the mystery, isn't it?" a young, female voice chimes in.

I turn to see a petite woman with long brown hair, wearing a frilled white, black, and purple dress that exposes her shoulders, adorned with a lock and chain pinned around her torso. She also wears a black beret decorated with a purple flower, and a purple choker with a key hanging from it. Her footwear of choice is a pair of dark purple and white boots.

"I've only been gone, what, a few months?" she says, her voice tinged with annoyance. "And the station is already in this state?"

Himeko takes the chance to greet her. "Welcome back, Herta."

She then looks at me. "Xander, wasn't it? This is the true master of the space station—Genius Society number 83, Herta."

Herta scoffs, rolling her eyes. "At least give me a proper introduction," she responds. "Genius Society number 83… Of all my outstanding achievements, that's what you want to mention?"

I raise an eyebrow, studying Herta closely. She's exactly as I remember her from the game—a doll-like appearance, haughty demeanor, and an air of superiority that seems to radiate from her very being.

"Herta," I say, my voice calm and measured. "I've heard a lot about you since I woke up here. They say you're the one who designed…" I gesture to everywhere around me, "All of this."

Herta turns her attention to me, her eyes narrowing slightly. "That's right," she confirms, her voice filled with pride. "Up to speed yet? This place you all decided to turn upside down? It's my property."

She steps closer to me, her head tilting to the side as she studies me intently. "How curious… The Stellaron should have killed you by now, and yet here you are, standing before me, very much alive."

I meet her gaze unflinchingly. "I guess I'm just full of surprises," I reply, my tone casual.

Herta hums thoughtfully, circling around me like a predator sizing up its prey. "Indeed, you are," she murmurs, more to herself than to me. "I'll need to run some tests, of course. To understand how your body has managed to stabilize the Stellaron's energy."

She stops in front of me, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "Himeko, was it? Can I bring him in for some research?"

I clench my fist, gritting my teeth as I glare at the damn doll. "Whatever you decide to do to me," I say, my voice low and threatening, "I promise to do onto you tenfold."

Herta's eyes flash with amusem*nt, clearly unfazed by my words. "Is that a challenge?" she asks, her tone mocking. "I'm not scared of you, boy."

Himeko steps forward, placing a hand on Herta's shoulder. "Madame Herta," she says, her voice calm but firm, "could you give the poor man a break? He's been through a lot."

Herta turns to Himeko, her expression one of pure excitement. "I'm very interested now," she exclaims, clapping her hands together. "A Stellaron in his body, how fascinating! He should be grateful that I'm offering to help him out. This is a service even the IPC can't buy."

Himeko sighs, turning to me. "What Herta is suggesting," she explains, "is that you stay here at the station so she can study you."

Herta nods, a wicked grin on her face. "But let me modify the wording here," she says, holding up a finger. "He can only stay temporarily, until the research is done. Or maybe I'll just lose interest halfway through and he can beat it."

Himeko frowns, crossing her arms. "And after that?" she asks, her tone skeptical.

Herta shrugs, putting her hands on her hips. "Not my problem," she says, looking bored.

Himeko exchanges a glance with Welt, seeming to come to a decision. She turns to me, her expression sincere. "Xander, you have another option," she says. "You can leave with us on the Astral Express. We have experience with Stellarons, and the answers we're looking for align with your concerns."

She glances at Herta, choosing her words carefully. "We can always come back to let Herta conduct her research. As you can see, she's absolutely fascinated now."

I take a deep breath, considering my options. The thought of being Herta's lab rat makes my skin crawl, but the prospect of joining the Astral Express crew is equally daunting knowing what lies ahead.

I need time. To think. To plan.

"Is it possible to give me some time before I come to a decision?" I ask, my voice strained. "I need a few hours to consider this through."

Himeko nods, her expression understanding. "Of course, Xander. Take all the time you need. We'll be waiting for you on the platform to hear your answer. There's no hurry."

Herta scoffs, rolling her eyes. "It's irrelevant to me whether you stay or not," she says, her tone dismissive. "You can do as you like, as long as I get to study you at some point."

With that, she takes her leave, her boots clicking against the metal floor as she walks away.

Himeko and Welt exchange a glance, then nod at me. "We'll leave you to your thoughts," Welt says, his voice gentle. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

They turn to leave, but March hesitates, lingering behind. I turn my back on her, gripping the nearby railings as I stare out at the vast expanse of stars.

"Xander," March says softly, her voice hesitant. "Um… I know we don't know each other well, but… I want you to know that I understand what it's like to wake up in an unknown place, all alone, not knowing anyone around you."

I stiffen, my grip on the railings tightening.

"The Astral Express found me," she continues, her voice growing stronger. "They took me in, gave me a home. They're good people. I don't know much about your situation, but I know, deep in my heart, that they would be good to you too. They could be a home for you, even when you're so far away from everything you know."

I close my eyes, fighting the urge to lash out. I'm tired, so damn tired of all of this. But I force myself to take a deep breath, exhaling slowly.

"Thank you, March," I say, my voice quiet. "That'll be all."

I hear her footsteps retreating, and then I'm alone, the silence pressing in on me from all sides. The stars twinkle in the distance, cold and indifferent to my plight. My mind races with the possibilities before me.

The obvious choice is to leave. To join the Astral Express crew and follow the story's path. It's the only way I'm guaranteed to meet Kafka, the only lead I have on how I got here. The mere thought fills me with dread.

For a brief, dark moment, I consider another option. I could steal a gun, end it all right here and now. The pain, the confusion, the fear... it would all be over in an instant.

I bite the inside of my cheek until the coppery taste of blood fills my mouth, banishing the thought from my mind.

I take a deep, shuddering breath and step away from the railing. My legs feel weak, but I force myself to walk, one foot in front of the other. I make my way down the ramp and exit the master control zone, my decision made.

I know what to do.

Herta marches into her office, a smug grin on her pale face. The attack had been an unfortunate setback, most certainly. She was already scheming and plotting ways to make the Antimatter Legion pay for daring to mess with her precious researchers.

But what an exciting twist had come out of the mess!

A living person who could hold a stable Stellaron inside. The possibilities made Herta's pulse race.

Her eyes shone bright. Could this subject use the Stellaron's huge power, going beyond human limits? Become a glowing battery, making insane amounts of energy? Or with a Stellaron in him, could she finally figure out the secrets of these scary things, studying them up close without fear of—

A hand suddenly covers her mouth from behind, pulling her against a hard male body. Herta's eyes went wide as she craned to see her attacker, and—

"We need to talk, Herta." Xander's words are as cold as ice, his gold-like eyes a promise of death. He held a plasma gun to his own chest, his thumb hovering over the trigger. "Your little experiment is about to blow up in your face, and take your whole station with it."

He smiles, all teeth.

"Would you mind listening to a new… approach?"

Chapter notes and references:

• "I forgot to ask," she says, biting her lip. "What's your name?" - I blink, taken aback for a second. "Just call me Xander," I reply after a moment. — Given his background, Alexander doesn't trust people easily. It makes sense that he wouldn't want to give his real name and instead uses a nickname people have called him since he was a kid.

• "It means a lot of things," I begin, my voice soft and contemplative. "Sacrifice. Love. Faith. Commitment…" My words come out even slower. "Victory over death," I whisper, almost to myself. — Christianity and Catholicism are full of symbols and story elements that have layers of deeper meaning, making them perfect for writing. The cross, the bread and wine, the lamb, the shepherd - each of these things represents something more profound. For Xander right now, the cross is a powerful reminder that he's not where he's supposed to be. It also raises big questions about his faith: if he really died in the accident, how is he supposed to make sense of waking up in a fictional world from a video game he played with his best friend?

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.