The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)

1 i 1 -Lm Vn at- 4 a. atnw-iim1- muniy jn n)y-4jai -ftifr THE TIPTON DAILY TRIBUNE PAQg FIVE 7 THIS IS A WARM ELECTION. AUXTLIAtelT PROGRAM. 1 Aum lean Soldiers fast Ballots While Auxiliary of C. W.

B. 31. of Christian Church of Windfall. -I Under Tire, GROCERY SPECIALS Bargain Grocery i Program will be given November Ii-mf urinr. I A F'fIL OF orvr" Jeremiah Itiou mug.

Windfall, One will i of seven Brother In War. jr tt Hj I -v. r.r i 'i Till, rimi.s Alt! Oooli l.l. Tills ENDING! wrtiinn, notembfh loth. A American training camp in France, November American soldiers, sail- 4 ors and marines stationed in Paris and other French tides and at the niencan General headquarters who are legal residents ot Xew York, vot-xl Wondaj for state, county and city oitiuals New York men with unifs in other parts of France cast th-eir oo lots lastjieek The votes of one railwa englneer- 1IM m.h.

i rn 1 1 1 fl fl A -t (1 All O'. I'omnJe J. r.niah Mrowipng lira ml I I in i Limit House tans for a'-l Veteran fie civil war i at Christian church. The Program. Song Bible Lesson, Mrs Maude Edward The Early Church and Its Conquest by Mohammedanism, Berjl AI.

Riffe. The Present Mohammedan Men-anoe, Mrs Jessie Trimble. "Missionary Letter Reading, Mrs Minnie Bishop Echoes from the Convention, Long Business Period Mr town i Ui, I. fi to eet at th lo a of ri V. A( p.e -n xl li do f.

wh re -on- a i ed a. I no ja std Rolltd Oats jar package IRK UinlfiU i I I of a a rto 1 he litini orp of seven crofter, tnt m- red tl.e Hugh raI an I nt rth to right tor th. fali.ornla pack dot i 1 1 I at it i.i'i i Mall I la a I cme th. l.Vil thill ii i.

rs i iii Hrovv i. it t' 1 2 i luring If. or of hip. a i da il.aCi at1 i irah of luun; People. I oloi i i 1 I It I' mg unit a liri tl sh sector were taken in a field which was under bombardment German guns The engineers nonchalantlj marked their ballots in a shack behind the lines as1 i German shells whistled interniitedly overhead The voting was interrupted for a minutes while the voters and el- -e sire kgs urn i i per lb mu and lean lb dttc a pi pel tall all i lal I oast LET US FIT OUJ THE FAMfLV Rally Iay Program.

0U14 ft ip. i i i Hip 1 i if I a i sg I rt a rf All if a i t. I II 1 1 1 IP v.r 'i i. ia The i if till I 1 Lftc I I i tv lune tails 2.C g-1 I -v 1 uth lu and i Yes with GOOD SHOES, we have been in ttiion olfiters witnessed a thrilling air fight between English and German matliines at a point nearly over tin voting plate When the German machines had been driven behind tluur own lines, hotiv pursued by en-tt nte aviators, the voters resumed marking their ballots against the wall of the shat The ballot boxes are being placed in sealed mail bags ivy the command-! rs of the units and they will be tak- mr i irch A M' the Shoe Business or some time and learned which makers make the best shoes thet best looking, best The Christian church at Windfall will have a Rally day' Sundy. Vov-ei iber 1 1th at the church and she Jol-lowing program will be rendered.

The Program A i them by choir K'Jding, bv Mrs Sam Edwards lo by Mrs Nellie Winkle by Con ptoi tong, Howard 'sgreg and ELa I laies Quartett 1 tolo, 3Iiss Henderson, Talk, Lone 1 Allegiance to The Flag, by bovs them by Choir day prmmso, to tf aft nl nice itiopid jttre and th SO- ill 1 a p. I tv IS 1 I 1 Bargain Grocery feeling and best wearing Shoes. Our Shoes are -built on true foot-form lasts for Pinnies til oi ism. West side Square. girls, boys women and men.

WE KEEP i to the United States by way of Ii vu art inti rested in the pur- England by the election commission- base i rt.dly lugh-grade piano, who expect to be home not later let us fill tou i ut the at tru tiv 1,1 H.cimber 1 offtr ui now m.tkiiu;. 'i WE KEEP UP THE QUALITY DOWN THE PRICE 1 I' aife. Everv 11 is cordnllv ed to come and bring a friend I r-f rtf I at Ko Kani1, an! inn ft Mowing w.nt m'o 1 ir gu tin citv of in i ai ol uli.r 1 mam.1 1 fii1' anti1 i th-' rt div ot O' i vv i 1 f' at Tu it in- ms F. nn h- r- t1 on I r. mairi-i a 'lort t'a'e tl'I re trans.

i bde Th1 tirst bat i i rro ind partiu I a', was it Mobile Uav this wit ig sl.t ng apt Me WILL JOIN THE ALRME.V Weaver Darst Co i 1 F.m 1 for CJ'ws A-JL3u5V5r3S: Pi I -jrv vjk Homer Kirtlevs Application ccept 1 for Aviation Division. isitel the eteran. fn i i i-. 9 i number of the ladies who are members of McBride Cm le No I.IXivivIViv Homer Kirtly appluation for jtrvi has lirn accepted and he has 1 a tr i 1 1 i 1 a aiht Scheme tailed. 'V 1 i wen ordered to rtport at Indianapo- Pai a visit to the homf of Mr and is Thursdav, November to under-Mrs oe Grose east of the (jty, go the phvsical examination, and i Alonria afternoon, going for (die Jib passts he will be assigned I purpose of calling on Capt fo naming tamp and titted for the Ttiomas Paul the veteran who has Ttiomas Paul cf j'inif ir received from the supposed Cuban, saying that he had found necessary some money and that he drjpwv on the Appersons a Philadelphia bank It was at this point that Attenipt to Get Lame Sum Money of Appeison would thiough A very smootii scheme to get to for $1,500 I i -i o' i i a big con game started to unfold anti 'f To vli H' i -n 'i I ral wort In the war zone He will 1,6611 Pfor health for some time sint to one of the training camps 'isi1 the ladles( was enjoyftd tin Illinois or Ohm it is thought, l'er', nilIcl1 ljy the aged soldier ami Mr kirtiv made his application a11 had a very pleasant time Those last an 1 was at Indlanapolii composing the party weie Mrs conversation with the enlisting of- onnt11 Mis Martha Edmonds, Mrs.

It is He js of the opinion that Hawkins, Mrs. llliani Mc- Ed la-t n- Ill 1 lu rt oat Indianapoh iran 1 was discharged lav if i i 1 '(Vtr. h- return 1 lie a 'v 'arm horn 1 th' or the 'irru lav of Man vt as irri 1 to Ma 1 Me lot. 1 1 1 1 is 1 art tu'rlie was II I I Iviin ardner ar 1 1 tln laige sum ot money from the Ap- i person B.otheis at Kokomo, failed tlle Appeisons called in the postoffice to carry and it is possible that the men seme attempt vwas made on large lbia bank it was not draft from the Philadel-arrived as expected, but paid V. C.

LOOS 'itu S((Urc, Upton, Ind. on fh -i a mi! r. L- lf( A i 1 Bi ule concerns in othu paits ot the country Seveial days ago the Kokomo Geor? Lehman and wife, of Elk-e been at Camp Shel- vr worm nhipmiini. 11 TZ chanre to save money is coming to you on Thursday Friday and Saturday, Nov 15, It and 17th, ill you 'attend Barker A Speibauahs One Cent Sale concern retened a letter Irom a lllart wll by to pay a visit to their Son who is supposed automobile dealer Ha-( f. 1 a member of Uncle Sams military vana, Cuba, saying that the Cuban foices, stouDed off here to visit Jos- people wer anxious td buy ceitam eph Gashoi and wife, stfuth of the goods of the Kokomo concern Lat- i cir The are members of the Ml i I a 1 Ill'll Tosh so irtt Sends Mny (ur- nit nt.

to i TOIH) I Mill It f- If an I I in er on another letter was received i. I i Dunkard church and wore the gaib making tur ner explanation of what Bowtr A Mood pav the cost of a' trill i hv funding vour money lit characteristic of those people Till was desired, saving that orders '1 be no bar to his entrance into this spruce, as his physical condition is first i lass and he will meet ivoiy requirement in that respect The preliminary examination Iviieh he underwent at the time of Bus application was every wa. 'HHisfii tory and he is anxious to undergo the examination and if bis ussigununt ordtr that lie in.iv git down to tin real work Mr iurtlv liis nad a trreat deal i in hand ling arious an 1 isptuillv automobiles He is oi tin opinion that his expen is su ii that will able to make iapid jibanci mint when lie gets down to the work in the tiain-liic camp Hi is also ot the opm- i i-i i i mi: rt i ftal tin Ii 1 i i i nip i lug i iris i wt a 1 inn urn a a 1 i a niiin Mr- P. rt i i i lit oT.

1 I row "i 1 ii M' Mi i 1 1 I in pit. it I 1 I A I' 1 1 Mi-s i "It When Leeson Says Itjj Oak It's Oak. Hvomei fails to relieve that cough or would follow later and that in or-told you have 1 der -that theie might be no delay shipments attei orders had been re- jenved a posif ot $2 0 would oe imade The letter1 contained Zo pastal monev ortkis for $Hb Everything SHINE 11X11; HI MM two I I It, otiKti, it I Ill ill A tl 1 1 ft n. I ion r- 'v ll turn. ra IN EVERY DROP IV I rn wedcM 1 tft 1 I tsx xu it i d.i(m nt ot soldu ii i at India i' nmrnnu.

it unsmi 'Mi t- Ct pairs ot pa-! wr- of xox 1 Ht rs lmei i overs till ui's uiistbiA This wj tin tin! nt out sin tin i i 1 1 i i 1 i'l 1 1 1 1 1 vv Lant4-tt ii 1 I pioii iri lo i i ul it ii s.di mil 1 urk spi 1 till n.e ii i. tm oi t.u ior- i i i i i ir i iCuri It as pi 1 to tin Rid returns It i 1 1 i Ii remit tow ns i 1 i i ii --t tl mb 1 serv ir ii id in nr. l-: 1 1 ti i mi is lot narmt nt i I i is utmd bv In -i 1 nil. tt i im i if tin work teems on i i vil! i a i il seemed to be regular so lar as the orders were icnceriied I ii the Ap-P-rsons weie not entirely satisfied. Thev cashed the orders, but decided they would move with care A day or two later a message was I Black Si Stove Polish ly ft rt doesnt drv crit, can be ost.

i to ite i(m that will lik the special litu TI PTQN STORE i in kt i I fl.M i i fl I Kst op liquid and pfte sly. 1 one quaht, absolutely no of work tnat cut it for the aati no dust or dirt You gut your moneys worth. I dii.d or sisrucs deaui. Black Silk Stove Polish Is not only most economical, bat it jpves a ailky lustre that cannot be obtained v- ith a ni am iaU Im Ir Cl I If Cf AI iollsh Ho 4 T)f Other Black Silk Stove dots net too valuable to feed to rats and other ro- IL istei if s. IJii'-cntlial.

in. ul at Mabah. polish rub off-it lasts four times as lonff as ord nary 1 1 1 VV lit .1 cents. 1 full 1 1 VI i rra Do You XI I 1 I ,1 ttt ha it his ir otP A ItltO i I i 1 i. i ot tfur, tut pi bl i er on, to Minmi received a me--nk1 Tu sday morning Horn Wabash, aiinouncing the death of his sister Mrs 1 lei man Wolt, hei death taking plat- ui that city Tuesday morning ijer death was due to heart trouble, pohkb so it saves you time, ork and money Don forget when yon want stove po'ih, be ire to ask for Black Suk Ititi nt the best stove pohsh 3 ou ever ued your dealer Will refund your money.

Black Silk Stove Works, Sterling, Illinois. Use Black Silk Air Drv mg Iron Enamel rtf" registers, stove pc, and a to-mobile tir nms. Prevents rusting Tr it. U-c Black Silk Motif Polish tinware or brass. It works quickly, easily and lo-nes a brilliant surface It has no eqj il for'-jcon aLomooilc i Stand Up un ry I I I i K'fl r.

TL I If II 1 MM, I II Tlsll had i mil i iv mu i ib Ixginning 'I ht vv rn b.irdh room to iki i ii 1 1 ill tlii lad it pi si nt a ml it si ms tliat tin wmuen of Tipton or growing lntiiistly inn rt slid lli VV OI -p i ia! i i ha, nuik 'ot i ii i vv ork on Red ons it -in o' i tr (lii-'Mius th lmei seen tv in exp i ting to make two core siupiiuntN ton ChiEtmas an affliction lrom which she bjeii su feting lor some time. I MTn V' oil was born in 3Iiami ckuHty Ind sixty-four years ago. 1, 11 a V. 1 1 a I I i m- a TSPpCSACTSi All Day nl blit hab lived at abasl thC alti pmtion ol her life, her for many ytaro being a promt-1 i nf a altii foi i Hilo' tl i 1 1 Ii 1 hip ot a noI-i riMom i at i-n 1 1 vv or! i ii. i an 1 ill.

1) 4-V i I i a i- ami nuhi-in' n. I'riir m. Sue llir It tm un that tnirrita awl tier VM.r- will In. Tl diNtie to ind a hrist- nn( miportc of Belgian horses The sni pin nt ami that tvery ar )Ut a nd lo and 1 i iv in Iipton do wotk along 0n ii0 a man of large Ill's lint leMon nut tiav nut. alls, ha been living a retired life Thu wife is survived 1 husband and sTORIn IITTIE V('TI K.

'two sons Then are three brothers, I RoNfnthal, of this city, Mqx Ros Boy Scout Books 29c Does vour work make you tired and, when the work is over? A corset ought to give you the support that overcomes that tired feeling. We suggest that tou try a front-lacing. i till da.s Hot cam t.g 111 1 will be her looking att h. timmesii at.airN a h.m been losj i i i lew By Scout Master Robt. Shaler.

Blue Front Drug Store ROM Hi MOOD Uor. Jrffmon nad JLiio fcu. KABO 1 let tion Not Indulged inenthal, nt Los Angeles, Uailf, and a Laige Scale. 1 ue it Rosenthal, Chicago. i The bin ill si will be held Ttoro win some little activity on Thur dav nt Wabash Mr.

and Mrs thi pot rn the spoits who usually Hosonthal will attend git a little fun out of elections, the In 1 1 stalling Monday night anti pirhap th iggr gate wagered would of the nets was 1 1 ach s'lHO One Minn. wa. a Indi in T'lNda looking alter some 1 1 in it ii THE LIVE MODEL CORSET Pecks Red Headed Boy 29c Pecks Sunbeams 29c By author of Pecks Bad Boy) ace. Back-lace Up to $5.00 Front- posie I (i Republicans, offering luggish Dowels Indirectly cause 1 "0 cm motit on Itouls This wasj113611 sitkness A constipated con-wiped of anti 2 clock Tuesday dthon not only poisons the blood lh rt wa-t a 1 of Gin) even money stream, but quickly affects the liver on Woodruff on 'thr boards. Ten to and other organs, rausing bilious- Those good corsets fit snugly to, and support the abdomen and back they will help 'wonderfully.

KABO corsets are made for yqu, made oil the figures of living people. Tlle live makes KABO corsets fit and satisfy. model svstem Jap Work Baskets, assorted designs and Colors 10c When Youre Thinking of Gifts Think of FOSTER The Jeweler on Richniaji, but theie weie SOLD ONLY-IN TIPTON AT I BRYAN'S six were offered 'coum liman at lai no takers 1 Various other smaller bets on mayor and on some of the other men I were posted and taken, but as a rule there as not the old time spirit on the paH of the spoils. ness, sik headache, sour stomach, bloating, etc Foley Cathartic Tablets are mild In action, yet cleanse thoroughly, with no nausea, and no coptlve after effects They keep the bowels regular, stomach sweet and liver; actlte Stout persons welcome the comfortable, light, free feeling they, bring. For sale by Bower THE BARGAIN STORE iffoi 7 THE HOME OF TRUE 5 10c STORE.

40 East Jefferson Street. TIPTONS GIFT STOKE SINCE 86. A 11 Mood. Be wise, advertise in the Tribune I I.

The Tipton Daily Tribune from Tipton, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.