Date - yourlocalgarbagebag - The Music Freaks (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

It was a Thursday, and Zander, Drew, Henry, and Jake were staying behind to clean the music room a bit.

“Hey Drew...” Henry spoke up out of the blue.


“How do you ask out someone you like?”

Jake stopped his sweeping, looking up to the green-headed boy.

“You want to try asking out Lia again?” He asked.

Henry shook his head.

“She’s kind of... mean. I gave up on her.”

“Really? So who else has officially caught your eye?” Drew questioned with a smirk.

“Doesn’t matter...” The boy insisted.

The other two finished up their tasks, heading to the door.

“Well, we’ll meet you by the lockers. Finish up so we can head back to my place.” The rich boy mentioned.

Henry nodded, watching as they took their leave.

As soon as they were gone, he glanced to Zander in the silence.

The boy was cleaning up his keyboard.

“You’re dating Luke, right?” He questioned, causing Zander to face him.

“What’s it to you?”

Henry set his broom to the side, stepping closer to his fellow club member.

“How’d you get that to happen?” He asked.

Zander noticed his nervous look, wondering what this was really about.

“W-Weren’t you worried that it might ruin your friendship? What if he didn’t end up liking you back?”

“Well, obviously. I must’ve been stupid if I wasn’t. Sometimes you’ve just got to take the chance...”

Henry thought over his words for a moment.

Before the conversation could continue any further, Hailey and Luke knocked at the door.

“Zander, ready to go?” The boy asked sweetly.

The boy glanced over to Henry, knowing all too well this conversation wasn’t over yet.

“Oh... don’t let me keep you waiting!”

“Shut up.” He told him.

“Cancel your plans with the other idiots and we can continue this damn conversation at my house.” Zander added, making his way towards the door.

Henry was taken aback by his response, but soon sprung into action.

“O-Okay!” He exclaimed, quickly setting the broom off to the side and grabbing his bag.

“What’s this about?” Hailey whispered to her step brother.

“Nothing. I just feel like solving a problem before it becomes an even bigger one.”

Henry walked over to the trio, and together, they headed towards Jake, Drew, and Liam.

“There you are! Let’s get going.” Drew said, catching sight of Henry.

“A-Actually, you’ll have to go without me today. I have some... other plans.”

Jake smirked.

“Oh, like, with that certain someone you were talking about in the music room?”

“No!” Henry shouted.

“Ooh, maybe an unlawful yet irresistible affair with a teacher?” Liam suggested.

“No! I’m going with Hailey, Zander, and Luke. I’ll see you guys tomorrow...”

“Wow, way to cancel on us last minute.” Drew mentioned.


“It’s fine, Henry. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Jake stated.

With that, the two groups went their separate ways, Henry following the other three back to Hailey and Zander’s house.

“Sorry to intrude on you last minute...” He spoke up, looking to Hailey and Luke.

“That’s alright. I’m sure you guys must’ve been talking about something pretty important.” Luke replied.

The other three began their own conversation as Henry silenced himself in the background.

He took a glance around at their surroundings, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the trees.

The boy was trying his best not to intrude on their conversation, keeping himself busy.

“So... what brings you with us, Henry? Anything we can help with?” Hailey questioned.

He was pulled back into the conversation at the sound of his name.

“Oh, it’s not really that big of a deal. I was just asking Zander about how he and Luke ended up getting together. It’s just that... usually something like that would ruin a friendship.”

Zander cleared his throat, stopping to face the green-haired boy.

“Look, I’m not stupid. I can see right through you, you know. I just decided to have the decency to not say anything in front of Jake or Drew.”

“W-What do you mean?” Henry asked nervously.

“Who’s the guy you like? Well, more like which one... Jake, Drew, or Liam?”

Henry was taken aback by his words.

“Um... L-Liam...” He replied.

How had Zander seen right through him?!

“I-Is it obvious?”

“It’s not that difficult to figure out.” The other told him.

“Is that why your here? Did you want Zander’s advice with something?” Hailey questioned, as they continued on their way.

“I-I was just thinking that I’d give a try at asking him out, but I’m not even sure he’d be okay with the idea of that. He’s always joking around about liking older women and stuff, and I just don’t want to ruin our friendship by making things awkward.”

“Well, I think it’s good you’re at least willing to take the chance.” Luke said with a smile.

“The more I think about it, the crazier of an idea it seems.”

Henry sighed.

“If I’m going to go through with it, I’m definitely going to need some kind of confidence boost.”

“I know just the thing!” Hailey exclaimed.


Friday morning came like a dream, bright and sunny.

Henry could tell it was going to be a good day as he arrived at school.

He had high hopes that Liam would say yes when he asked him out.

The boy began to make his way over to the large group that was the Music Club, waving with a smile.

He stopped in front of Jake, Drew, and Liam, greeting them.


“Henry, hey!” Jake exclaimed.

“Did you guys gain any levels while I was gone?”

“Nah. We had a hard time crushing beasts without our favorite elf. Your spells really do a lot more than I thought.” Drew mentioned.

“Nice nail polish... black suits you.” Liam spoke up.

“Oh, thanks!” Henry replied, throwing up a peace sign.

He was happy that the freckle-faced boy was the first to notice.

“It’s like Zander’s, right? Is that what you guys did yesterday?” Jake asked.

“Um... part of it, yeah.”

“So... it’s finally Friday! Would you want to pull an all nighter gaming at my place tonight?” Drew offered with a smirk.

“Sure... sounds fun.” The green-haired boy answered.

It wasn’t long until the bell rang, signaling their cue to head off to class.

The day was off to a good start.


Henry stood in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror as he leaned against the sink.

Even if the day seemed to be going fairly well, and he’d gotten a confidence booster when Liam had complimented his nails, he was still having doubts.

If things didn’t go well, would they be able to return to being best friends so easily?

What would happen if Liam got freaked out?

Suddenly, the door opened, Drew and Jake walking in.

“Dude, what’s up? Are you gonna come back to the lunch table?” Jake questioned.

Henry turned to them.

“This was a mistake! I never should’ve even dreamed of pulling this off!” He began.

“What are you talking about?” Drew asked.

The boy averted his eyes from the two, gripping his elbows nervously.

“If I tell you, you’re not allowed to tell Liam anything.” He stated.

“You two are best friends. Why wouldn’t you want to tell him?” Jake mentioned.

“Liam is the person I wanted to ask out...” Henry admitted.

“I went home with Hailey, Zander, and Luke yesterday because I figured that Luke and Zander would be able to give me advice on what to do, but it doesn’t seem to be any easier.”

“You like... Liam?” Drew questioned, making sure he understood everything properly.

“Yes, and I don’t know how to ask him out. I figured I’m not going to get anywhere if I don’t bother trying, but what if I freak him out and it completely ruins things?! He’s always joking around about older women, so what’s the chance he’d even say yes?! I might just be setting myself up to fail!”

“Okay, okay... we can help you, right?” Jake suggested.

“If you’re really going to do this, then we’ll be glad to support you in any way we can.” Drew added.

“R-Really?” Henry asked.

The boys nodded.


He couldn’t help but go in for a hug, absolutely overjoyed to have their help and support.

Jake and Drew gladly returned the gesture.

“You could’ve told us sooner, you know.” Drew mentioned.

“It was easier to tell Hailey, Luke, and Zander. I haven’t known them as long.” Henry explained.

The three broke away from one another.

“We should probably get to class.” Jake stated, the other two nodding in agreement.


The school day was officially over, and the Friday weekend began.

Of course, the Music Club first had to get through rehearsal.

“Sorry we’re late!” Jake exclaimed, as they entered the room.

“You’re all good. Just please try to start being more on time. The closer the competition gets, the more important rehearsal becomes.” Hailey explained.

“Will do.” The boy replied.

Henry watched from across the room as Liam set up his electric bass.

All he had to do was walk over and start some conversation.

He’d been able to do it before, so why was it so nerve wracking now?

Finally, Henry took a breath, walking over without a second thought.

“Warming up?” He asked, causing the brunet to look up from the instrument.

“Yeah. Where’d you guys disappear to during lunch?”

“Nowhere interesting. I told you I was going to the bathroom, didn’t I?”

“I see... you don’t have to tell me. I understand if you’d want to keep your secrets. Possibly... a risqué extra credit session with a teacher?” He mentioned with a smirk.

“Don’t be stupid.” Henry told him.

He glanced down at the instrument in the boy’s hands.

“Do you like playing the bass?” He spoke up, out of the blue.

“Yeah... it’s pretty fun. Why?”

“I was just wondering if you’d maybe teach me sometime... how to play, I mean.”

“Hm? Sure, if you want. You might ruin your nails, though.”

Meanwhile, Jake and Drew huddled with the others.

“So... how are we planning to help Henry ask out Liam?” Jake asked.

“Wait, what? I didn’t hear anything about this!” Milly mentioned.

“Neither did I.” Sean added.

“Wait, when did you two find out?!” Hailey questioned.

“During lunch... that’s not important right now, though.” Drew said.

“You do realize how suspicious it looks that we’re all crowded around and whispering to one another, right?” Zander spoke up plainly.

“First and foremost, I think we should figure out whatever it is they’re talking about. If Henry’s made a move, then we have to do our best to support that.” Hailey explained.

“Right. Our goal is to get them alone.” Milly added, already knowing exactly what to do in this situation.

Everyone nodded in agreement before breaking away from the huddle.

They made their way over to the other two, acting natural.

“And what are you two busy talking about over here?” Sean asked with a smile.

“Henry just wanted to try out my bass a bit. I figured I’d teach him some of the basics after rehearsal.”

“About that... it seems like we all have something to attend to, so we can’t rehearse today!” Milly exclaimed, cutting in before anyone else was given the chance.

“All of you? That’s pretty inconvenient...” Liam replied.

Jake jumped in, trying his best to play along.

“Yeah, it really sucks, but at least you two have a chance to work on those basics!”

Henry looked to them, mouthing the words, “What are you doing?!”

“Yeah, I guess so. Do we want to rehearse a little later then?”

“It’s a Friday. I don’t think it’ll be a problem if we take one day off. It might actually be good for us to have a break.” Hailey mentioned.

There was a pause in conversation.

“Alright, well, we’ve got to get going! You two have fun working on those basics!” Jake exclaimed.

The group rushed for the door, trying their best to play it cool.

“Are we just going to leave them in there?” Milly questioned.

“Yeah... let’s not intrude. Henry can take it from here. Meanwhile, we can go take a break in the cafeteria.” Drew suggested.

“Sounds like a plan.” Sean said.

Back in the music room, Henry and Liam were ready to start their private lesson.

“Your sister’s the one who taught you to play, right?” Henry asked.

Liam closed the door of the room, before walking back over to the boy.

“Yep. Everything I know.”

He pulled the bass’s strap from around his neck, handing it off to Henry.

“Be careful. Put the strap on to make it easier to support its weight. That’s especially important for someone as small as you.”

Henry tried to keep his calm as Liam got close, pulling the strap over his head.

“I-I’m not that small...”

Liam couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

“Okay, sure.”

He walked around, now out of Henry’s view.

The green-haired boy stared down at the instrument nervously, holding it awkwardly in his grip.

Henry was caught off-guard as Liam came up from behind him, wrapping his arms around him and pressing into his back to help guide him.

This was practically flirting.

Was Liam even aware of how he was making him feel?

The brunet began to strum each chord from top to bottom.

“This is B, E, A, D, and G...” He began.

Henry watched as Liam put his hands over his own, repositioning his fingers on the neck of the base.

“You want to hold it like this so you can play correctly.”

Tingles ran through Henry’s body at the touch of their fingers, so slight, yet so powerful.

“Wanna try to play an E?” Liam asked, still not removing his hands.

“S-Sure...” Henry told him, strumming the chord.

“Nice. What about a G?”

The green-haired boy ran his finger over the other wire, playing a G.

“I’m sure this must be your ultimate move with girls, huh? You know, this could definitely be considered as flirting... or even making a move.”

“I’ve never taught a girl to play bass before.” Liam told him.

“Just you.”

For some reason, the words that escaped his lips had made Henry feel a certain way.

Just you.

His face went slightly red.

“Wanna try an A for me?” Liam continued, moving on.

Finally Henry broke away from his grip, turning to look the brunet in the eyes.

“I didn’t really want bass lessons... not that I don’t want them or anything.” He mentioned.

Liam was very obviously confused.

Henry faced his feet, trying not to make direct eye contact with the other as he spoke.

“I-I know I’m probably just going to make a fool of myself, but... the real reason I asked was because I was trying to find some way to ask you out. Like, on a date, and not as friends...” He explained.


Before Liam had the chance to speak, Henry cut him off.

“Before you reject me, I just want you to know that it was really cruel to give me a sense of false hope! Who gives bass lessons to their friends like that?!”

“Okay.” He stated, finally getting a word in.

Henry was surprised to hear such an unexpected response.

“W-What?” He questioned, looking up at the other.

“I said okay. I’ll go out with you.”

Henry glanced off to the side once more.

“I... wasn’t expecting that. I thought for sure you were going to say no.” He explained.

“Hm? Why’d you ask me then?”

“I don’t know. I figured it was worth the chance.”

“Well, you got your chance then.” Liam told him.

Henry looked down at the bass with a smile, strumming a chord.

“This is an A, right?”

Liam smiled.

“Yeah. You’ve got it.”

Henry pulled the strap of the bass over his head, handing the instrument back to Liam.

“So... what’s the plan?” The brunet questioned.

“Um... maybe a movie?”

“Sounds good. I’m a sucker for a good bucket of popcorn.”

Henry smiled, happy to see they were in agreement.

He pulled out his phone, checking the time.

“It’s already 5:00. Should we get going?”

Liam paused, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and turning to Henry.

“Judging by the usual times each movie begins, and how long it’ll take us to get there... probably.” He mentioned.



The rest of the Music Club sat in the cafeteria, talking amongst themselves.

They were letting things take their course without further interference, hoping for the best.

“We’re probably going to stay over at Drew’s place tonight and chill on the couch. Would you guys want to join us at all?” Jake mentioned.

“Sounds fun. I’m down!” Milly exclaimed.

“I guess it would be good for us to hang out more as a group outside of school grounds...” Zander said.

“Of course, it’s only for the sake of the band.” He added.

Luke chuckled.

“If Zander thinks it’s okay, then I sure don’t see why not.”

“Great. Sounds like everyone has plans at my house then. It’s a good thing there’s plenty of room for you.” Drew stated.

There was a small silence.

“How do you think things are going in there?” Sean spoke up.

“Honestly...” Jake began.

“I have no clue. There’s no telling how this will end. I can easily understand why Henry would be doubting how this might turn out. It’s true that Liam’s always joking about affairs with older women.” He continued.

“Then again, those two are best friends. They’ve always been really comfortable with each other, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Liam was fine with accepting his invitation.” Drew added.

Hailey checked the time.

“It’s already past 5:00. I hope Henry was able to go through with it.” She mentioned.

“If we don’t hear anything by 5:30, we can go check up on them.” Luke suggested.

Just then, a message pinged, sent in the group chat.

There was a photo attached, Henry holding up a peace sign in a selfie.

Henry: The nail polish survived a bass lesson! Are we still on for your place, Drew?

Drew read over the message, quickly giving an answer.

Drew: Yes. Everyone will be there.

There was still no mention of Liam’s answer, and they awaited a reply from Henry.

Henry: Great! We’ll be there at 9... he said yes, btw. Any good movie suggestions are much appreciated ;)

Liam: I can’t believe you guys tried to set me up with the elf...

Jake: Worked though.

Luke: Have fun, you two! We’ll see you at 9:00.

The group set down their phones.

“It’s good that everything worked out.” Hailey said.

“Ugh, I can’t wait to ask them all about it!” Milly exclaimed.


The line at the front of the movie theater was as long as ever.

Thankfully, this gave the two time to pick which movie they’d be watching.

“There are so many options. I wonder which one we should pick...” The green-haired boy mentioned, looking over the board.

As they reached the front of the line, they came to their decision.

Henry and Liam took their tickets in hand, heading straight for the snack counter to pick up some popcorn and sodas.

“I’ll buy the popcorn, you buy the sodas?” Liam offered.

“Sounds good to me!” The other exclaimed.

These lines were much shorter than those at the front of the building, and it didn’t take long for them to reach the front of the line, finally ordering their concessions.

With the food in hand, the brunet and the green-headed boy started for their designated theater.

Liam counted each passing chair, eventually reaching their seats.

When the lights dimmed within the theater, signaling the beginning of the film, the two focused most of their attention on the screen in front of them.

After all, it was rude to talk in a movie theater to begin with.

Henry’s mind pulled away from the the movie for a moment as he laid his arms across the armrests of the chair.

This date seemed more like a friendly outing than anything, and yet, he was so happy to be here.

There was nothing particularly special or different from any of their previous outings, but in the back of his mind, he knew that Liam had accepted this on the terms that it was more than friendly.

He was abruptly pulled from his thoughts as Liam scooted his arm over, making room for his own on the armrest.

Their hands brushed against each other, sending more of those tingles wavering throughout Henry’s body.

The green-headed boy glanced over to the brunet for a moment, Liam giving him a quick smile before turning back to the large screen.

Henry wondered if it would be okay to make a move.

He loved the way it felt when they touched hands.

Before he could even get the chance, a loud crashing noise sounded from the movie, causing him to pull his arm away and jump out of his seat.

Liam chuckled lightly at his actions as Henry relaxed into his seat once more.

He took his soda, sipping quietly as he refocused his eyes onto the screen.


The movie finished, and the two headed for the men’s bathroom.

Well, rather, Liam waited outside for Henry.

As soon as the boy returned, they immediately got on their way to the exit.

“Man... I always drink too much soda.” He mentioned.

“That’s okay. I could probably say the same thing about me and the popcorn.”

Henry let out a slight laugh.

“That’s true. You basically ate the whole bucket.”

The doors clicked as they opened them, stepping outside into the dark night.

There was a slight breeze which made it rather pleasant.

The two were silent as they walked.

For just a moment, their hands brushed past each other.

“Oh... s-sorry.” Henry told him.

He panicked, picking up his speed slightly as he continued walking.

Suddenly, Liam stopped, grabbing the other’s hand and tugging him back.

He gripped his shoulders, making Henry look him straight in the eyes.

“W-What?” The boy questioned nervously, Liam staring right at him.

“If this is really a date...” Liam began.

Henry’s eyes widened, curious at what he we say.

“Would you let me be your first kiss?”

Liam’s words had left him speechless, but he gave a small nod.

With the go-ahead, the brunet pulled his face closer, their lips meeting delicately.

Henry liked the feeling of Liam’s hands as they cupped his face, soft-skinned yet firm.

He quickly moved his own up to Liam’s shoulders, gripping just above his arms.

The kiss was long and plain, without anything to it.

There was a small puckering noise as Liam went in for much smaller, faster kisses.

Henry could feel the other’s hot and heavy breath against his face as the kiss continued, and he let out the breath he himself was holding back.

Liam was a good kisser, tasting of buttered popcorn from the movies.

Even if it was Henry’s first kiss, he could tell this fact.

His lips were smooth, and they seemed to know exactly what they were doing.

With Liam leading the kiss, it made Henry seem like a natural.

His lack of experience was nothing compared to Liam’s expertise.

There was one final pucker as their lips pulled away from each other, the two breaking the kiss.

Both tried their best to steady their breathing, which had grown heavy with each passing moment their kiss continued.

Liam and Henry stared right at each other, looking into one another’s eyes.

“U-Um...” Henry began nervously.

He pulled out his phone, checking the time.

“It’s 8:00... maybe we should get on our way to Drew’s house.”

“Yeah.” Liam replied.

The green-haired boy returned his phone to his pocket, and the two got on their way towards their next destination.

Their hands swung at their sides as they made their way down the sidewalk, occasionally brushing up against one another.

Henry’s mind drifted back to the time in the movie theater, in which he’d spent debating whether or not to make a move.

They’d already shared a kiss.


As their hands skimmed past one another once more, he slowly lifted his pinky closer to the other’s.

Liam noticed his attempt, glancing down at their hands and intertwining their fingers.

He shook his head with a smile, seeing Henry’s happy expression.

“You’re so cliché.”

The moment was soon interrupted as their phones buzzed within their pockets.

Henry used his free hand, pulling out the device to see what the commotion was about.

Drew: It’s 8:30. Are you guys heading over now?

Henry readied his camera, holding it out in front of them to the best of his ability for a selfie.

He gave a smile, the other boy looking to the camera plainly.

Henry: We’re on our way!

It didn’t take long after the message and it’s attached photo sent for a reply to come through.

Drew: Great. We saved you a couple seats on the couch.

Henry slid the phone back into his pocket, looking at the path directly ahead of them and briefly reflecting over everything.

He glanced down at his feet.

“I’m glad you said yes. Thanks for putting up with me for the night.”

“Jeez Henry, you say that like you’re unbearable or something.”

There was a small silence between them before Liam spoke up again.

“I was flirting with you, you know.” He mentioned.

The other turned to him in curiosity.

“When I was teaching you how to play the bass... that was me trying to flirt with you and make a move. It was just like you said.”

Henry stopped in his tracks, looking right at him.

“I didn’t realize you were even interested. If I did, I might’ve asked you out much sooner.”

“I’ve been interested... for a while, but I wanted to respect your feelings for Lia.” The brunet explained.


His grip grew slightly tighter as he became frustrated with himself.

“You were waiting for me while I was busy being hung up on a girl who doesn’t even care about me.”

“Henry...” Liam began, using his free hand to push the other’s hair back behind his ear.

He leaned in, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s fine now, isn’t it?”

Henry couldn’t help but blush slightly.

“W-We should hurry on to Drew’s place...”

Liam chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Henry’s face went even redder.

“God, would you stop being so attractive all the time?! It makes me want to hit you with a tennis racket!”

“Hm... that’s an odd weapon of choice.”

The green-haired boy couldn’t help but smile at his comment.

“You wouldn’t be saying that if someone hit you with one.”

“Yeah, but like... you could’ve decided to hit me with a bus.”

“I’m not trying to kill you!” Henry shouted.

They continued their walk down the sidewalk, hand in hand, and laughing happily.


Liam and Henry approached the door of Drew’s house, pulling their hands away from one another.

Liam reached for the doorbell, signaling the group inside of their arrival.

It didn’t take long for the door to open up, revealing a group of people who were eager to hear what had happened during their night out.

“Great, you’re here! Tell us everything!” Milly exclaimed.

“Yeah... I gotta pee. Good luck with that, Henry.” Liam mentioned, pushing past the group and heading for the bathroom down the hall.

“What?! You’re gonna leave me to explain everything all on my own?!”

“You’re the one who asked me out, in case you don’t remember...”

With that, everyone looked to Henry.

“Seems like it went pretty well! He did end up saying yes, after all!” Jake stated.

Henry stepped inside, making his way over to the couch.

He crashed onto the empty seating area, spreading out over a couple or more cushions.

“It did.”

Milly sat down excitedly.

“Come on! Tell us everything!”

Hailey sat with her.

“Take your time. There’s no rush if you want to reflect on everything for a little bit.”

Henry sat up, looking to the group as they all took their seats on the couch.

“Thank you... for the help. None of this would’ve happened without you.”

“Don’t sweat it! That’s what we’re here for.” Sean assured.

The boy took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts, ready to go into explanation.

“I asked him out... obviously. We ended up going to the movies, and it wasn’t really all that eventful. At first, it was more like any normal outing you’d have with your friends instead of a date. We got the movie tickets and the snacks and then we went and found our seats.”

He paused, thinking over the events of the night.

“Nothing all that interesting really happened during the movie. It wasn’t that good, to be honest... I really just drank a lot of soda.”

“You always do that.” Drew told him.

Just then, Liam came out of the bathroom, entering the main room.

“Dude, you were taking a piss for like ten minutes. I was watching and waiting for you but you just weren’t coming.” He said.

“There was a long line at the sinks, okay?!”

“Then what?!” Milly questioned.

“We just walked out of the theater. I checked the time and we started heading here.”

“Ugh, you guys are so boring. Didn’t you do anything date-like?!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah... so I took his first kiss, and then on the way here he found out that I was actually flirting with him before but out of respect for his feelings for Lia, I didn’t make any grand moves.”

“Wait, so Drew and I have just been caught in the middle of some immaculate sexual tension this whole time?” Jake asked.

“Pretty much...”

“So what, you’re dating now?” Drew questioned.

“Nah, we haven’t made anything official... yet.”

Date - yourlocalgarbagebag - The Music Freaks (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.