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Artigo Revisado por pares
2020; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Volume: 38; Issue: 15_suppl Linguagem: Inglês
Petri Bono, Reetta Virtakoivu, Felix Vaura, Panu Jaakkola, Shishir Shetty, Alain Thibault, Maja J.A. de Jonge, Anna Minchom, Yuk Ting, Christina Yap, Debbie Robbrecht, Annika Pasanen, Tanja Skyttä, R. Cruz, Markku Jalkanen, Sirpa Jalkanen, Jami Mandelin, Matti K. Karvonen, Jussi Koivunen, Maija Hollmén,
Cancer Immunotherapy
3097 Background: The scavenger receptor CLEVER-1 mediates the clearance of “unwanted” self-components and is highly expressed on tumor associated macrophages (TAMs). CLEVER-1 expression is associated with immunotherapy resistance and poor survival in several cancers. Pre-clinical studies demonstrate that CLEVER-1 inhibition increases TAM pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and antigen presentation reactivating CD8 T cell responses with robust anti-tumor activity. Targeting CLEVER-1 could therefore overcome the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and has led to the development of FP-1305, a humanized anti-CLEVER-1 IgG4-antibody. Methods: The MATINS (Macrophage Antibody To INhibit immune Suppression) trial is a multicenter first-in-human phase I/II study (NCT03733990) to assess the tolerability, safety and preliminary efficacy of FP-1305 in patients (pts) with advanced cancers including immunotherapy-refractory melanoma, cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, ovarian cancer, colorectal (CRC), and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Part 1 consisted of a dose escalation phase; 30 pts (median age 65, range 30-81) were enrolled to examine 5 dose levels (0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10 mg/kg), to determine the optimal dose of FP-1305 for Parts 2 and 3. Two-stage time-to-event continual reassessment method (TITE-CRM) was utilized for the dose escalation in Part 1. Pts received 1-8 cycles (median 3) of FP-1305 Q3w. FP-1305 was well tolerated without dose-limiting toxicities. A consistent increase in blood NK cells, CD8/CD4 T cell ratio, B cells and a decrease in regulatory T cells was demonstrated. FP-1305 dosing led to the activation (CD25 + ) and Th1 skewing (CXCR3 + ) of T cell populations including increase in effector CD8 T-cells with downregulation of several inhibitory immune checkpoint molecules (PD-1, PD-L1, CTLA-4, and LAG3). Increased circulating IFNɣ levels were detected, with the highest levels in a heavily pretreated metastatic, microsatellite stable (MSS) colorectal cancer patient leading to a partial tumor response (-52%). FP-1305 is the first macrophage checkpoint inhibitor candidate promoting immune switch with promising tolerability and clinical anti-tumor activity. FP-1305 represents a novel treatment option to provoke immune response especially in non-inflamed tumors. Full safety, pharmacokinetic and efficacy results of MATINS trial (Part 1) will be presented for the first time in a final late breaking abstract. Clinical trial information: 2018-002732-24 .